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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Orchid Cultivation Method

Nurseries Orchid Flowers1 ) Requirements SeedsOrchid seeds are good , healthy and has some superior characteristics , namely : the formStrong stems , rapid growth , lush foliage , dense and beautiful flowers .2 ) Spreading SeedsOrchid seedlings from seeds planted . The orchid seed dispersalas follows :a) Equipment used for seed dispersal should be clean .b ) Sterilize seedsBefore the seed is spread should be sterilized first with 10 grams of chlorine dissolvedin 100 cc of water then filter paper filter , put in a bottle . seedincluded in the bottle and shaken 10 minutes . ( originally yellow orchid seedschange color to greenish brown ) . Then water discarded andreplaced with distilled water , shaken repeatedly ( 2-3 times ) .c ) Distribution of orchid seedsThe bottles that have been sterilized can be used for seed menyebaranorchids . Before opening the bottle, the bottle neck is heated above the lights spritusto eliminate germs . To include orchid seeds into the bottleused pipettes were cleaned first by heating above the lightsspritus until then dipped into the red spritus . Bottles that have beenopen orchid seed is then filled and leveled whole surface padfood that has been provided . Before we heat the bottle closed again inthe spritus then closed again .3 ) Seed Seeding Techniquea) Memeriksaan with a microscope , whether or not the orchid seeds , emptywhite and yellow are the contents of brown / other color .b ) Prepare a wide mouthed bottle clean and colorless socan forward the necessary sunlight and easily seen .c ) Close the bottle - roll of cotton rolled up hard , tied a rope to the endfacilitate stripped back , or the rest of the cut fabric pieces . densitybottle caps keep bacterial / fungal infection does not go soor contaminated .d ) Prepare a glass cabinet ( ent - cash ) are clean of bacteria / fungi withcloth that has been dipped in a cabinet air formalin sterilized cottondipiring poured formalin in order to evaporate sterilize glass ( ent - cash ) .e ) Making sterilsasi pedestal base to create a food and food orchidscommonly used prescription Khudson C ( Northen ) 12 , namely :1 . Ca ( NO3 ) 2H2O : 1.00 grams2 . KH2PO4 : 0.25 grams3 . MgSO47H2O : 0.25 grams4 . ( NH4 ) 2SO4 : 0.25 grams5 . Saccharose : 20 grams6 . FeSO4 4H2O : 0.25 grams7 . MnSO4 : 0.0075 grams8 . Agar-agar : 15 to 17.5 grams9 . Distilled water : 1000 ccMaking the necessary food base pH 5.2 , pH meter used / pH papertextiles / Indicator Paper .Sterilization by heating in the Autoclaf to 110 degrees Cfor half an hour or by steamer and then placed on the spotnet , on his side , so foods high 1/2-2/3 tall bottles( from the base up to the neck of the bottle ) and allowed to stand for 5-7 hours toknow the perfect sterilization .4) Change SeedsHaving plants in the 9-12 month old bottle looks great , growing roots .In this level can be transferred into the seed already seeding potsdiameter of 7 cm , 12 cm or 16 cm with holes .Prepare broken tiles , and brown fern roots , cut to the length5-30 mm so that the fibers apart from each other . before usewashed first and let the water disappear . Fern roots after washing ,pad soaked first in food for 24 hours in the form of :a) Urea or ZA : 0.50 mgb ) DS , TS or ES : 0.25 mgc ) Potassium sulfate or K2SO4 : 0.25 mgd ) Water : 1000 ccAnother alaternatif as a food base , can also be used a mix of artificial fertilizerselements N , P , K ratio of 60:30:10 or manure can also be usedwhich has been mixed with a fern frond ratio : 4:1 = manure .Moreover, it can be used pine bark in small pieces of bean seedsland , which has been soaked in foods such as fern roots base for 24hours . For stuffing pots can also be used firewood charcoal / coconut fibera dismembered thumb .Prepared pots filled with broken tiles third high pot / layah , then the contentsThe crushed ferns as high as 1 cm below the edge of the pot / layah ( no needcompacted ) .Transplanting into pots done by issuing plant in a bottleby incorporating water into the bottle . With net wire leadslike the letter U , the plant released one by one ( first root ) . afterexit 1 % chlorine plant then washed with clean water . Seedlings( seedlings ) were planted in pots with the meeting . If the bottle is already happening in thefungal contamination as first soaked in antibiotics ( penicillin ,streptomycin has passed expirydatenya ) newly planted 10 minutes .5 ) The transfer of Pot seedingAfter seeding plants in pots is high enough , the plants were movedordinary pot into 4-6 cm diameter , which contains critical pieces / brick red , then give the fern / pine bark that has been soaked in the food baseup to 1 cm below the edge of the pot .Media Processing Plant Orchid FlowerGrowing media for plants orchids distinguished :a) plants in pots ( with a diameter of 7-30 cm depending on the type of plant ) .If the selected 25-30 cm diameter pot it needs to be mounted pole in the middlepot , then the pot is filled broken tiles . Orchids in place in the middle androots spread evenly in the pot , then the orchid stem tied to a pole .Pots filled with manure that has been mixed according to the composition of approximately2/3 of the pot .b ) Media planted in soil with cropping systems tanks .Bathtub made ​​from red bricks length of 2 m wide and 40 cm tall tub 2 layersred brick . Making these tubs on the ground to avoidkebecekan , in dry soil excavated as deep as 10-20 cm and then given a brick size40 cm x 2 m and the distance between pembantas with another 3 cm . pole anchoringmade 4 pieces are inserted into the ground to a height of each1.5 m . Between one another pole associated with woodso the fourth pole is a complete circuit.Orchid Flower Planting TechniquePlanting orchid plants , adapted to the nature of live orchid plants ,namely :1 ) orchids are orchids that menupang Ephytis in trunk / another tree butnot damage / harm or ditempelin carrying . Tools usedis to stick to its roots , while the roots are functions to searchfoods are aerial roots .2 ) semi Ephytis Orchid is a type of orchid that attaches to the tree / plantother damage not attached , only root adhesion also serves asaerial roots is to find food to thrive .3 ) ground orchids / orchid terrestris .maintenance of Plant1 ) Spacing and StitchingThinning and replanting is done at a place that is tailored totypes of orchids , orchids that are epphytis or soil .2 ) WeedingFor orchid plants at the time of weeding on the conditions in the bottlethen separated into pots that have been provided according to the typeorchids .3 ) FertilizationMacro elements are elements that are needed in large quantities include : C , H ,O , N , S , P , K , Ca , Mg . For the micro elements are the elements needed insmall amounts , such as : Cu , Zn , Mo , Mn , V , Sc , B , Si , and so on . macro elementsand micro elements can be taken from the air or from the ground , in the form of gas or water andsalts dissolved in it .Fertilization in orchids is divided into 3 phases , namely :a) Fertilization for seeds ( seedlings ) with N , P , K.Comparison of N : P : K = 6:3:1 . N elements are needed toformation plant growth and development . N elements taken fromZA / urea , for P fertilizer use ES ; DS ; TS , and K of Potassium Sulfate( K2SO4 ) .Artificial fertilizers containing N , P , K :1 . Urea : 0.6 grams to 1 liter of water2 . ES : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water3 . ZK : 0.1 grams to 1 liter of waterb ) Fertilization for medium-size ( mid-size ) with N , P , K.Comparison of N : P : K = 3:3:3 that many here do not require the sameadditional fertilizer , it can dususun own fertilizer containing N , P ,K by way of example :1 . Urea : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water2 . DS : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of water3 . K2SO4 : 0.3 grams to 1 liter of waterc ) Fertilization to flowering size ( flowerings - size )Flowering plants that have been fertilized with a ratio of N : P : K = 1:6:1 .Techniques of artificial fertilizers are :a) In the form of solid / powder sprinkled done with caution ,Do not get caught on the leaves / stems that cause leaf / stemwas able to burn .b ) splashed , orchids which can absorb water and saltsdissolved in it . This way a lot done everywhere.c ) Spraying , is a very good way in case of root rottherein , then the roots are covered plastic .Manure that is often used is horse shit , cow , buffalo ,goats , chickens and others. Goodness discharging manure thancontains a variety of elements needed by plants alsovery helpful in water retention , especially in the dry season .The ugliness of this manure is in the dirt lot that batterycontaining mushrooms . For it is advisable to first disanganeliminate the fungus / bacteria in it . Fertilizing plants betterdone on time in the morning or in the afternoon around 5:00 pm . 4 ) Irrigation and WateringWater source for watering orchids can be derived from :a) Water Plumbing , either to flush as clear and sterile , but high pHhence need to be reduced by adding an acid such as HCl . PHfrom about 5.6 to 6 .b ) Water wells , well for watering because it contains a lot of mineralsland that is needed by plants . Water wells in the area should chalkpH note .c ) Rainwater , which is accommodated in tong-tong/bak very good formenyiraman .d ) times the water / sewer water , but we do not know for sure whether it contained mushrooms ,bacteria / algae that could interfere with orchids / no . When viewed from the point of contentsfood might be good enough .It should be noted for Farmers orchid is to know the properties of stuffingpot so I can adjust the amount of water to flush . As for the kinds of stuffingpots and properties described as berkut :a) Denomination tiles / brick fragments , which is easy to evaporate the water andnature orchids are not so happy with the water so it is not easy tolumutan . Broken tiles for smaller and more absorbencyto spray less.b ) Pieces of coconut coir , coconut fiber consumption is better to usein the heat because it saves water , but if the use in the areaunfavorable cold as easily rot .c ) Crunch fern roots are black , hard and not easy to absorb newwater , after a few months to absorb much water . Fern roots are brown andsoftware easier to absorb and hold water .d ) Pieces leather fern , where the media is extremely difficult for water absorption ,easy evaporation . If the pieces are large , small , and if the absorptionsmall pieces of more water absorption .For plants that are great guidelines for watering 3-7 days once the seasonrain and 1-3 days once the rainy season .5 ) Time Pesticide SprayingDrugs should be sprayed in the mornings , it's better in the afternoontoday about 5:00 . Spraying for healthy orchid plants , conducted routineapproximately 3 months. Spraying for pests of orchidsneed to be repeated 3 times with a certain time period ( for fleas )leaves once a week . The type of insecticides and doses used topests include:a) Orthene 75 SP dose gram/10 5-10 liters of water to leaf-eating caterpillarsb ) Bayrusil EC 250 dose of 2 cc / liter of water for leaf-eating caterpillarsc ) Malathion doses of 3 grams / liter of water for caterpillars , beetles , fleasd ) Kelthane dose of 2 grams / liter of water , for licee ) Metadeks dose soaked in water , mixed with bran cc/10 6-8 liters , for snails andwater snailf ) Falidol dose E.605 soaked in water , mixed with bran cc/10 6-8 liters , for snailsand water snailsFor pest control snails there are 2 ways , namely :a) Spread around potted orchids drugs by mixing between drugMetadeks into fine bran in a little water added .b ) Make a solution of 1 cc Dieldrin 50 % 25 EP mixed with 1 liter of water or 6-8cc Folediol E 605 into 10 liters of water . Then potted orchidssoaked in the solution for some time and repeated oneonce a week
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cara Budidaya Anggrek

Cara Budidaya Anggrek
bunga anggrek
bunga anggrek
Pembibitan Bunga Anggrek
1) Persyaratan Bibit
Bibit anggrek yang baik, sehat dan unggul mempunyai beberapa ciri, yaitu: bentuk
batang kuat, pertumbuhan pesat, daun subur, bunga lebat dan indah.
2) Penyebaran Biji
Bibit anggrek berasal dari biji yang disemaikan. Adapun penyebaran biji anggrek
sebagai berikut:
a) Peralatan yang digunakan untuk penyebaran biji harus bersih.
b) Mensterilkan biji
Sebelum biji disebar harus disterilkan dulu dengan 10 gram kaporit dilarutkan
dalam 100 cc air kemudian saring kertas filter, dimasukkan ke dalam botol. Biji
dimasukan dalam botol dan digojog 10 menit. (biji anggrek yang semula kuning
kecoklatan berubah warna menjadi kehijauan). Kemudian air dibuang dan
diganti dengan aquades, digojog berulang kali (2–3 kali).
c) Penyebaran biji anggrek
Botol-botol yang telah disterilkan dapat digunakan untuk menyebaran biji
anggrek. Sebelum botol dibuka, leher botol dipanaskan di atas lampu spritus
untuk menghilangkan kuman. Untuk memasukan biji anggrek ke dalam botol
digunakan pipet yang dibersihkan dulu dengan cara pemanasan di atas lampu
spritus sampai merah kemudian dicelup kedalam spritus. Botol yang telah
terbuka kemudian diisi biji anggrek dan diratakan keseluruh permukaan alas
makanan yang telah disediakan. Sebelum botol ditutup kita panaskan lagi di
atas spritus kemudian ditutup kembali.
3) Teknik Penyemaian Benih
a) Memeriksaan dengan mikroskop, baik atau tidaknya biji anggrek, yang kosong
berwarna putih dan yang isi kuning coklat/warna lain.
b) Mempersiapkan botol yang bermulut lebar bersih dan tidak berwarna agar
dapat meneruskan cahaya matahari yang dibutuhkan dan mudah dilihat.
c) Tutup botol dari kapas digulung-gulung sampai keras, ujung diikat tali untuk
memudahkan dicopot kembali, atau kain sisa yang dipotong potong. Kerapatan
tutup botol menjaga agar bakteri/jamur tidak masuk sehingga tidak terinfeksi
atau terkontaminasi.
d) Mempersiapkan lemari kaca (ent-kas) yang bersih dari bakteri/jamur dengan
kain yang sudah dicelup formalin udara dalam lemari disterilkan dengan kapas
dipiring dituangi formalin supaya menguap mensterilkan kaca (ent-kas).
e) Pembuatan sterilsasi alas makanan dan untuk membuat alas makanan anggrek
biasanya dipakai resep Khudson C (NORTHEN) 12 yaitu:
1. Ca(NO3)2H2O : 1,00 gram
2. KH2PO4 : 0,25 gram
3. MgSO47H2O : 0,25 gram
4. (NH4)2SO4 : 0,25 gram
5. Saccharose : 20 gram
6. FeSO4 4H2O : 0,25 gram
7. MnSO4 : 0,0075 gram
8. Agar-agar : 15–17,5 gram
9. Aquadest : 1000 cc
Pembuatan alas makanan diperlukan pH 5,2, dipergunakan pH meter/kertas pH
tekstil/Indikator Paper.
Sterilisasi dengan cara dipanaskan dalam Autoclaf yang sampai 110 derajat C
selama setengah jam atau dengan dandang kemudian diletakan pada tempat
bersih, dengan posisi miring, sehingga makanan setinggi 1/2–2/3 tinggi botol
(dari alas sampai ke leher botol) dan didiamkan selama 5–7 jam untuk
mengetahui sterilisasi yang sempurna.
4) Pemindahan Bibit
Setelah tanaman di dalam botol berumur 9–12 bulan terlihat besar, tumbuh akar.
Dalam tingkat ini bibit sudah dapat dipindahkan kedalam pot penyemaian yang
berdiameter 7 cm, 12 cm atau 16 cm yang berlubang.
Siapkan pecahan genting, dan akar pakis warna coklat, di potong dengan panjang
5–30 mm sehingga serabutnya terlepas satu sama lainnya. Sebelum dipakai
terlebih dulu dicuci bersih dan biarkan airnya hilang. Akar pakis setelah dicuci,
direndam dulu dalam alas makanan selama 24 jam yang berupa:
a) Urea atau ZA : 0,50 mg
b) DS, TS atau ES : 0,25 mg
c) Kalium sulfat atau K2SO4 : 0,25 mg
d) Air : 1000 cc
Alaternatif lain sebagai alas makanan, dapat juga dipakai pupuk buatan campuran
unsur N, P, K perbandingan 60:30:10 atau dapat juga digunakan pupuk kandang
yang telah dicampur pakis dengan perbandingan pakis: pupuk kandang = 4:1.
Selain itu dapat digunakan kulit Pinus yang di potong kecil sebesar biji kacang
tanah, yang telah direndam dalam alas makanan seperti akar pakis selama 24
jam. Untuk isian pot ini dapat juga digunakan arang kayu bakar/serabut kelapa
yang dipotong-potong sebesar ibu jari.
Pot yang disiapkan diisi dengan pecahan genting 1/3 tinggi pot/layah, kemudian isi
remukan pakis tersebut setinggi 1 cm di bawah tepi pot/layah (tidak perlu
Pemindahan bibit ke dalam pot dilakukan dengan mengeluarkan tanaman di botol
dengan memasukkan air bersih ke dalam botol. Dengan kawat bersih berujung
seperti huruf U, tanaman dikeluarkan satu persatu (akar lebih dahulu). Setelah
keluar tanaman dicuci kaporit 1 % kemudian dengan air bersih. Seedlings
(semaian) ditanam dalam pot dengan rapat. Apabila di dalam botol sudah terjadi
kontaminasi jamur sebaik lebih dulu direndam di dalam antibiotic (penicillin,
streptomycin yang telah lewat expirydatenya) 10 menit baru ditanam.
5) Pemindahan dari Pot Penyemaian
Setelah tanaman pada pot penyemaian cukup tinggi, maka tanaman dipindahkan
ke pot biasa yang berdiamater 4–6 cm, yang berisi potongan genting/batu bata merah, kemudian beri pakis/kulit pinus yang telah direndam dalam alas makanan
sampai 1 cm di bawah tepi pot.
Pengolahan Media Tanam Bunga Anggrek
Media tanam untuk tanaman anggrek tanah dibedakan:
a) Tanaman dalam pot (dengan diameter 7-30 cm tergantung dari jenis tanaman).
Apabila diameter pot dipilih 25-30 cm maka perlu dipasang tiang di tengah-tengah
pot, kemudian pot diisi pecahan genting. Anggrek di letakkan di tengah dan
akarnya disebar merata dalam pot, kemudian batang anggrek diikat pada tiang.
Pot diisi pupuk kandang yang telah dicampur sesuai dengan komposisi kira-kira
2/3 dari pot.
b) Media tanam dalam tanah dengan sistim bak-bak tanam.
Bak terbuat dari batu bata merah panjang 2 m lebar 40 cm dan tinggi bak 2 lapis
batu bata merah. Pembuatan bak ini di atas tanah untuk menghindari dari
kebecekan, di tanah kering digali sedalam 10-20 cm kemudian diberi bata ukuran
40 cm x 2 m dan jarak antara pembantas dengan yang lain 3 cm. Tiang penahan
dibuat 4 buah yang ditancapkan ke dalam tanah dengan ketinggian masingmasing
1,5 m. Antara tiang satu dengan yang lain dihubungkan dengan kayu
sehingga keempat tiang tersebut merupakan suatu rangkaian.
Teknik Penanaman Bunga Anggrek
Penanaman tanaman anggrek, disesuaikan dengan sifat hidup tanaman anggrek,
1) Anggrek Ephytis adalah anggrek yang menupang pada batang/pohon lain tetapi
tidak merusak/merugikan yang ditumpangi atau ditempelin. Alat yang dipakai
untuk menempel adalah akarnya, sedangkan akar yang fungsinya untuk mencari
makanan adalah akar udara.
2) Anggrek semi Ephytis adalah jenis anggrek yang menempel pada pohon/tanaman
lain yang tidak merusak yang ditempel, hanya akar lekatnya juga berfungsi seperti
akar udara yaitu untuk mencari makanan untuk berkembang.
3) Anggrek tanah/anggrek Terrestris.
Pemeliharaan Tanaman
1) Penjarangan dan Penyulaman
Penjarangan dan penyulaman dilakukan pada tempat yang disesuaikan dengan
jenis anggrek, yang sifatnya epphytis atau anggrek tanah.
2) Penyiangan
Untuk tanaman anggrek pada penyiangan pada waktu pada kondisi di dalam botol
kemudian dipisahkan ke dalam pot-pot yang sudah disediakan sesuai jenis
3) Pemupukan
Unsur makro yaitu unsur yang diperlukan dalam jumlah besar yang meliputi: C, H,
O, N, S, P, K, Ca, Mg. Untuk unsur mikro yaitu unsur yang dibutuhkan dalam
jumlah yang sedikit, antara lain: Cu, Zn, Mo, Mn, V, Sc, B, Si, dst. Unsur makro
dan unsur mikro dapat diambil dari udara atau dari tanah, berupa gas atau air dan
garam-garam yang terlarut di dalamnya.
Pemupukan pada tanaman anggrek dibagi dalam 3 tahapan, yaitu:
a) Pemupukan untuk bibit (seedlings) dengan N, P, K.
Perbandingan N:P:K=6:3:1. Unsur N lebih banyak dibutuhkan untuk
pembentukan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Unsur N diambil dari
pupuk ZA/urea, untuk P dipakai pupuk ES; DS; TS, dan K dari Kalium Sulfat
Pupuk-pupuk buatan yang mengandung N, P, K:
1. Urea : 0,6 gram untuk 1 liter air
2. ES : 0,3 gram untuk 1 liter air
3. ZK : 0,1 gram untuk 1 liter air
b) Pemupukan untuk ukuran sedang (mid-size) dengan N, P, K.
Perbandingan N:P:K=3:3:3 yang sama banyak disini tidak memerlukan
tambahan pupuk, maka dapat dususun sendiri pupuk yang mengandung N, P,
K dengan cara misalnya :
1. Urea : 0,3 gram untuk 1 liter air
2. DS : 0,3 gram untuk 1 liter air
3. K2SO4 : 0,3 gram untuk 1 liter air
c) Pemupukan untuk ukuran berbunga (flowerings-size)
Tanaman yang sudah berbunga dipupuk dengan perbandingan N:P:K= 1:6:1.
Teknik pemberian pupuk buatan adalah:
a) Dalam bentuk padat/powder yang dilakukan dengan menaburkan secara hatihati,
jangan tersangkut pada daun/batangnya yang menyebabkan daun/batang
tadi dapat terbakar.
b) Disiramkan, yang mana anggrek dapat menyerap air dan garam-garam yang
terlarut di dalamnya. Cara ini banyak dilakukan dimana-mana.
c) Penyemprotan, cara ini sangat baik apabila terjadi pembusukan akar
didalamnya, maka akarnya ditutup plastik.
Pupuk kandang yang sering digunakan adalah kotoran kuda, sapi, kerbau,
kambing, ayam dan lain-lain. Kebaikan pemakaian pupuk kandang selain
mengandung bermacam-macam unsur yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman juga
sangat membantu dalam penyimpanan air, apalagi pada musim kemarau.
Keburukan dari pupuk kandang ini adalah di dalam kotoran banyak bateri yang
mengandung jamur. Untuk itu dianjurkan disangan lebih dahulu untuk
menghilangkan jamur/bakteri di dalamnya. Pemupukan tanaman lebih baik
dilakukan pada waktu pagi-pagi atau pada sore hari sekitar pukul 5.00 sore. 4) Pengairan dan Penyiraman
Sumber air untuk penyiraman tanaman anggrek dapat berasal dari:
a) Air Ledeng, baik untuk menyiram karena jernih dan steril, tetapi pHnya tinggi
maka perlu diturunkan dengan menambah suatu asam misalnya HCl. PH yang
baik sekitar 5,6-6.
b) Air sumur, baik untuk menyiram karena banyak mengandung mineral dari
tanah yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Air sumur di daerah kapur harus
diperhatikan pHnya.
c) Air hujan, yang ditampung didalam tong-tong/bak sangat baik untuk
d) Air kali/air selokan, tetapi kita tidak tahu pasti apakah air itu mengandung jamur,
bakteri/lumut yang bisa mengganggu anggrek/tidak. Kalau dilihat dari sudut isi
makanan mungkin cukup baik.
Hal perlu diperhatikan bagi Petani anggrek adalah mengetahui sifat-sifat dari isian
pot supaya bisa mengatur banyaknya air untuk menyiram. Adapun macam isian
pot dan sifat diuraikan sebagai berkut:
a) Pecahan genting/pecahan batu merah, yang mana mudah menguapkan air dan
sifat anggrek yang tidak begitu senang dengan air sehingga tidak mudah untuk
lumutan. Untuk pecahan genting lebih kecil daya serapnya lebih banyak dan
untuk siraman lebih sedikit.
b) Potongan sabut kelapa, pemakaian serabut kelapa lebih baik untuk digunakan
di daerah panas karena menyimpan air, tetapi kalau penggunaan di daerah
dingin tidak menguntungkan karena mudah busuk.
c) Remukan akar pakis yang hitam, keras dan baru tidak mudah untuk menyerap
air, setelah beberapa bulan banyak menyerap air. Akar pakis yang coklat dan
lunak lebih mudah menyerap dan menahan air.
d) Potongan kulit pakis, dimana media ini sukar sekali untuk penyerapan air,
mudah terjadi penguapan. Jika potongannya besar, penyerapan kecil dan jika
potongan kecil penyerapan air lebih banyak.
Bagi tanaman yang sudah besar pedoman penyiramannya 3-7 hari sekali musim
hujan dan 1-3 hari sekali pada musim hujan.
5) Waktu Penyemprotan Pestisida
Obat-obatan sebaiknya disemprotkan pada waktu pagi hari, lebih baik pada sore
hari sekitar jam 5.00. Penyemprotan bagi tanaman anggrek sehat, dilakukan rutin
kurang lebih 3 bulan sekali. Penyemprotan bagi tanaman anggrek terserang hama
perlu dilakukan berulang-ulang 3 kali dengan jangka waktu tertentu (untuk kutu)
daun seminggu sekali. Adapun jenis insektisida dan dosis yang digunakan untuk
hama antara lain:
a) Orthene 75 SP dosis 5-10 gram/10 liter air untuk ulat pemakan daun
b) Bayrusil 250 EC dosis 2 cc/liter air untuk ulat pemakan daun
c) Malathion dosis 3 gram/liter air untuk ulat, kumbang, kutu
d) Kelthane dosis 2 gram/liter air, untuk kutu
e) Metadeks dosis dibasahi air, dicampur dedak 6-8 cc/10 liter, untuk keong dan
bekicot air
f) Falidol E.605 dosis dibasahi air, dicampur dedak 6-8 cc/10 liter, untuk keong
dan bekicot air
Untuk hama bekicot ada 2 cara pengendaliannya yaitu:
a) Menyebarkan obat sekitar pot anggrek dengan mencampur antara obat
Metadeks ke dedak halus di tambah air sedikit.
b) Membuat larutan 1 cc Dieldrin 50% 25 EP dicampur dengan 1 liter air atau 6–8
cc Folediol E 605 kedalam air 10 liter. Kemudian pot tanaman anggrek
direndam dalam larutan tersebut selama beberapa waktu dan diulang satu
minggu sekali.
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Cara Budidaya Anggrek

Cara Budidaya Anggrek
bunga anggrek
bunga anggrek
Pembibitan Bunga Anggrek
1) Persyaratan Bibit
Bibit anggrek yang baik, sehat dan unggul mempunyai beberapa ciri, yaitu: bentuk
batang kuat, pertumbuhan pesat, daun subur, bunga lebat dan indah.
2) Penyebaran Biji
Bibit anggrek berasal dari biji yang disemaikan. Adapun penyebaran biji anggrek
sebagai berikut:
a) Peralatan yang digunakan untuk penyebaran biji harus bersih.
b) Mensterilkan biji
Sebelum biji disebar harus disterilkan dulu dengan 10 gram kaporit dilarutkan
dalam 100 cc air kemudian saring kertas filter, dimasukkan ke dalam botol. Biji
dimasukan dalam botol dan digojog 10 menit. (biji anggrek yang semula kuning
kecoklatan berubah warna menjadi kehijauan). Kemudian air dibuang dan
diganti dengan aquades, digojog berulang kali (2–3 kali).
c) Penyebaran biji anggrek
Botol-botol yang telah disterilkan dapat digunakan untuk menyebaran biji
anggrek. Sebelum botol dibuka, leher botol dipanaskan di atas lampu spritus
untuk menghilangkan kuman. Untuk memasukan biji anggrek ke dalam botol
digunakan pipet yang dibersihkan dulu dengan cara pemanasan di atas lampu
spritus sampai merah kemudian dicelup kedalam spritus. Botol yang telah
terbuka kemudian diisi biji anggrek dan diratakan keseluruh permukaan alas
makanan yang telah disediakan. Sebelum botol ditutup kita panaskan lagi di
atas spritus kemudian ditutup kembali.
3) Teknik Penyemaian Benih
a) Memeriksaan dengan mikroskop, baik atau tidaknya biji anggrek, yang kosong
berwarna putih dan yang isi kuning coklat/warna lain.
b) Mempersiapkan botol yang bermulut lebar bersih dan tidak berwarna agar
dapat meneruskan cahaya matahari yang dibutuhkan dan mudah dilihat.
c) Tutup botol dari kapas digulung-gulung sampai keras, ujung diikat tali untuk
memudahkan dicopot kembali, atau kain sisa yang dipotong potong. Kerapatan
tutup botol menjaga agar bakteri/jamur tidak masuk sehingga tidak terinfeksi
atau terkontaminasi.
d) Mempersiapkan lemari kaca (ent-kas) yang bersih dari bakteri/jamur dengan
kain yang sudah dicelup formalin udara dalam lemari disterilkan dengan kapas
dipiring dituangi formalin supaya menguap mensterilkan kaca (ent-kas).
e) Pembuatan sterilsasi alas makanan dan untuk membuat alas makanan anggrek
biasanya dipakai resep Khudson C (NORTHEN) 12 yaitu:
1. Ca(NO3)2H2O : 1,00 gram
2. KH2PO4 : 0,25 gram
3. MgSO47H2O : 0,25 gram
4. (NH4)2SO4 : 0,25 gram
5. Saccharose : 20 gram
6. FeSO4 4H2O : 0,25 gram
7. MnSO4 : 0,0075 gram
8. Agar-agar : 15–17,5 gram
9. Aquadest : 1000 cc
Pembuatan alas makanan diperlukan pH 5,2, dipergunakan pH meter/kertas pH
tekstil/Indikator Paper.
Sterilisasi dengan cara dipanaskan dalam Autoclaf yang sampai 110 derajat C
selama setengah jam atau dengan dandang kemudian diletakan pada tempat
bersih, dengan posisi miring, sehingga makanan setinggi 1/2–2/3 tinggi botol
(dari alas sampai ke leher botol) dan didiamkan selama 5–7 jam untuk
mengetahui sterilisasi yang sempurna.
4) Pemindahan Bibit
Setelah tanaman di dalam botol berumur 9–12 bulan terlihat besar, tumbuh akar.
Dalam tingkat ini bibit sudah dapat dipindahkan kedalam pot penyemaian yang
berdiameter 7 cm, 12 cm atau 16 cm yang berlubang.
Siapkan pecahan genting, dan akar pakis warna coklat, di potong dengan panjang
5–30 mm sehingga serabutnya terlepas satu sama lainnya. Sebelum dipakai
terlebih dulu dicuci bersih dan biarkan airnya hilang. Akar pakis setelah dicuci,
direndam dulu dalam alas makanan selama 24 jam yang berupa:
a) Urea atau ZA : 0,50 mg
b) DS, TS atau ES : 0,25 mg
c) Kalium sulfat atau K2SO4 : 0,25 mg
d) Air : 1000 cc
Alaternatif lain sebagai alas makanan, dapat juga dipakai pupuk buatan campuran
unsur N, P, K perbandingan 60:30:10 atau dapat juga digunakan pupuk kandang
yang telah dicampur pakis dengan perbandingan pakis: pupuk kandang = 4:1.
Selain itu dapat digunakan kulit Pinus yang di potong kecil sebesar biji kacang
tanah, yang telah direndam dalam alas makanan seperti akar pakis selama 24
jam. Untuk isian pot ini dapat juga digunakan arang kayu bakar/serabut kelapa
yang dipotong-potong sebesar ibu jari.
Pot yang disiapkan diisi dengan pecahan genting 1/3 tinggi pot/layah, kemudian isi
remukan pakis tersebut setinggi 1 cm di bawah tepi pot/layah (tidak perlu
Pemindahan bibit ke dalam pot dilakukan dengan mengeluarkan tanaman di botol
dengan memasukkan air bersih ke dalam botol. Dengan kawat bersih berujung
seperti huruf U, tanaman dikeluarkan satu persatu (akar lebih dahulu). Setelah
keluar tanaman dicuci kaporit 1 % kemudian dengan air bersih. Seedlings
(semaian) ditanam dalam pot dengan rapat. Apabila di dalam botol sudah terjadi
kontaminasi jamur sebaik lebih dulu direndam di dalam antibiotic (penicillin,
streptomycin yang telah lewat expirydatenya) 10 menit baru ditanam.
5) Pemindahan dari Pot Penyemaian
Setelah tanaman pada pot penyemaian cukup tinggi, maka tanaman dipindahkan
ke pot biasa yang berdiamater 4–6 cm, yang berisi potongan genting/batu bata merah, kemudian beri pakis/kulit pinus yang telah direndam dalam alas makanan
sampai 1 cm di bawah tepi pot.
Pengolahan Media Tanam Bunga Anggrek
Media tanam untuk tanaman anggrek tanah dibedakan:
a) Tanaman dalam pot (dengan diameter 7-30 cm tergantung dari jenis tanaman).
Apabila diameter pot dipilih 25-30 cm maka perlu dipasang tiang di tengah-tengah
pot, kemudian pot diisi pecahan genting. Anggrek di letakkan di tengah dan
akarnya disebar merata dalam pot, kemudian batang anggrek diikat pada tiang.
Pot diisi pupuk kandang yang telah dicampur sesuai dengan komposisi kira-kira
2/3 dari pot.
b) Media tanam dalam tanah dengan sistim bak-bak tanam.
Bak terbuat dari batu bata merah panjang 2 m lebar 40 cm dan tinggi bak 2 lapis
batu bata merah. Pembuatan bak ini di atas tanah untuk menghindari dari
kebecekan, di tanah kering digali sedalam 10-20 cm kemudian diberi bata ukuran
40 cm x 2 m dan jarak antara pembantas dengan yang lain 3 cm. Tiang penahan
dibuat 4 buah yang ditancapkan ke dalam tanah dengan ketinggian masingmasing
1,5 m. Antara tiang satu dengan yang lain dihubungkan dengan kayu
sehingga keempat tiang tersebut merupakan suatu rangkaian.
Teknik Penanaman Bunga Anggrek
Penanaman tanaman anggrek, disesuaikan dengan sifat hidup tanaman anggrek,
1) Anggrek Ephytis adalah anggrek yang menupang pada batang/pohon lain tetapi
tidak merusak/merugikan yang ditumpangi atau ditempelin. Alat yang dipakai
untuk menempel adalah akarnya, sedangkan akar yang fungsinya untuk mencari
makanan adalah akar udara.
2) Anggrek semi Ephytis adalah jenis anggrek yang menempel pada pohon/tanaman
lain yang tidak merusak yang ditempel, hanya akar lekatnya juga berfungsi seperti
akar udara yaitu untuk mencari makanan untuk berkembang.
3) Anggrek tanah/anggrek Terrestris.
Pemeliharaan Tanaman
1) Penjarangan dan Penyulaman
Penjarangan dan penyulaman dilakukan pada tempat yang disesuaikan dengan
jenis anggrek, yang sifatnya epphytis atau anggrek tanah.
2) Penyiangan
Untuk tanaman anggrek pada penyiangan pada waktu pada kondisi di dalam botol
kemudian dipisahkan ke dalam pot-pot yang sudah disediakan sesuai jenis
3) Pemupukan
Unsur makro yaitu unsur yang diperlukan dalam jumlah besar yang meliputi: C, H,
O, N, S, P, K, Ca, Mg. Untuk unsur mikro yaitu unsur yang dibutuhkan dalam
jumlah yang sedikit, antara lain: Cu, Zn, Mo, Mn, V, Sc, B, Si, dst. Unsur makro
dan unsur mikro dapat diambil dari udara atau dari tanah, berupa gas atau air dan
garam-garam yang terlarut di dalamnya.
Pemupukan pada tanaman anggrek dibagi dalam 3 tahapan, yaitu:
a) Pemupukan untuk bibit (seedlings) dengan N, P, K.
Perbandingan N:P:K=6:3:1. Unsur N lebih banyak dibutuhkan untuk
pembentukan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Unsur N diambil dari
pupuk ZA/urea, untuk P dipakai pupuk ES; DS; TS, dan K dari Kalium Sulfat
Pupuk-pupuk buatan yang mengandung N, P, K:
1. Urea : 0,6 gram untuk 1 liter air
2. ES : 0,3 gram untuk 1 liter air
3. ZK : 0,1 gram untuk 1 liter air
b) Pemupukan untuk ukuran sedang (mid-size) dengan N, P, K.
Perbandingan N:P:K=3:3:3 yang sama banyak disini tidak memerlukan
tambahan pupuk, maka dapat dususun sendiri pupuk yang mengandung N, P,
K dengan cara misalnya :
1. Urea : 0,3 gram untuk 1 liter air
2. DS : 0,3 gram untuk 1 liter air
3. K2SO4 : 0,3 gram untuk 1 liter air
c) Pemupukan untuk ukuran berbunga (flowerings-size)
Tanaman yang sudah berbunga dipupuk dengan perbandingan N:P:K= 1:6:1.
Teknik pemberian pupuk buatan adalah:
a) Dalam bentuk padat/powder yang dilakukan dengan menaburkan secara hatihati,
jangan tersangkut pada daun/batangnya yang menyebabkan daun/batang
tadi dapat terbakar.
b) Disiramkan, yang mana anggrek dapat menyerap air dan garam-garam yang
terlarut di dalamnya. Cara ini banyak dilakukan dimana-mana.
c) Penyemprotan, cara ini sangat baik apabila terjadi pembusukan akar
didalamnya, maka akarnya ditutup plastik.
Pupuk kandang yang sering digunakan adalah kotoran kuda, sapi, kerbau,
kambing, ayam dan lain-lain. Kebaikan pemakaian pupuk kandang selain
mengandung bermacam-macam unsur yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman juga
sangat membantu dalam penyimpanan air, apalagi pada musim kemarau.
Keburukan dari pupuk kandang ini adalah di dalam kotoran banyak bateri yang
mengandung jamur. Untuk itu dianjurkan disangan lebih dahulu untuk
menghilangkan jamur/bakteri di dalamnya. Pemupukan tanaman lebih baik
dilakukan pada waktu pagi-pagi atau pada sore hari sekitar pukul 5.00 sore. 4) Pengairan dan Penyiraman
Sumber air untuk penyiraman tanaman anggrek dapat berasal dari:
a) Air Ledeng, baik untuk menyiram karena jernih dan steril, tetapi pHnya tinggi
maka perlu diturunkan dengan menambah suatu asam misalnya HCl. PH yang
baik sekitar 5,6-6.
b) Air sumur, baik untuk menyiram karena banyak mengandung mineral dari
tanah yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Air sumur di daerah kapur harus
diperhatikan pHnya.
c) Air hujan, yang ditampung didalam tong-tong/bak sangat baik untuk
d) Air kali/air selokan, tetapi kita tidak tahu pasti apakah air itu mengandung jamur,
bakteri/lumut yang bisa mengganggu anggrek/tidak. Kalau dilihat dari sudut isi
makanan mungkin cukup baik.
Hal perlu diperhatikan bagi Petani anggrek adalah mengetahui sifat-sifat dari isian
pot supaya bisa mengatur banyaknya air untuk menyiram. Adapun macam isian
pot dan sifat diuraikan sebagai berkut:
a) Pecahan genting/pecahan batu merah, yang mana mudah menguapkan air dan
sifat anggrek yang tidak begitu senang dengan air sehingga tidak mudah untuk
lumutan. Untuk pecahan genting lebih kecil daya serapnya lebih banyak dan
untuk siraman lebih sedikit.
b) Potongan sabut kelapa, pemakaian serabut kelapa lebih baik untuk digunakan
di daerah panas karena menyimpan air, tetapi kalau penggunaan di daerah
dingin tidak menguntungkan karena mudah busuk.
c) Remukan akar pakis yang hitam, keras dan baru tidak mudah untuk menyerap
air, setelah beberapa bulan banyak menyerap air. Akar pakis yang coklat dan
lunak lebih mudah menyerap dan menahan air.
d) Potongan kulit pakis, dimana media ini sukar sekali untuk penyerapan air,
mudah terjadi penguapan. Jika potongannya besar, penyerapan kecil dan jika
potongan kecil penyerapan air lebih banyak.
Bagi tanaman yang sudah besar pedoman penyiramannya 3-7 hari sekali musim
hujan dan 1-3 hari sekali pada musim hujan.
5) Waktu Penyemprotan Pestisida
Obat-obatan sebaiknya disemprotkan pada waktu pagi hari, lebih baik pada sore
hari sekitar jam 5.00. Penyemprotan bagi tanaman anggrek sehat, dilakukan rutin
kurang lebih 3 bulan sekali. Penyemprotan bagi tanaman anggrek terserang hama
perlu dilakukan berulang-ulang 3 kali dengan jangka waktu tertentu (untuk kutu)
daun seminggu sekali. Adapun jenis insektisida dan dosis yang digunakan untuk
hama antara lain:
a) Orthene 75 SP dosis 5-10 gram/10 liter air untuk ulat pemakan daun
b) Bayrusil 250 EC dosis 2 cc/liter air untuk ulat pemakan daun
c) Malathion dosis 3 gram/liter air untuk ulat, kumbang, kutu
d) Kelthane dosis 2 gram/liter air, untuk kutu
e) Metadeks dosis dibasahi air, dicampur dedak 6-8 cc/10 liter, untuk keong dan
bekicot air
f) Falidol E.605 dosis dibasahi air, dicampur dedak 6-8 cc/10 liter, untuk keong
dan bekicot air
Untuk hama bekicot ada 2 cara pengendaliannya yaitu:
a) Menyebarkan obat sekitar pot anggrek dengan mencampur antara obat
Metadeks ke dedak halus di tambah air sedikit.
b) Membuat larutan 1 cc Dieldrin 50% 25 EP dicampur dengan 1 liter air atau 6–8
cc Folediol E 605 kedalam air 10 liter. Kemudian pot tanaman anggrek
direndam dalam larutan tersebut selama beberapa waktu dan diulang satu
minggu sekali.
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Saturday, October 19, 2013


Inovasi metode SRI

SRI adalah teknik budidaya padi yang mampu meningkatkan produktifitas padi dengan cara
mengubah pengelolaan tanaman, tanah, air dan unsur hara, terbukti telah berhasil meningkatkan produktifitas padi sebesar 50% , bahkan di beberapa tempat mencapai lebih dari 100%.
Metode ini pertama kali ditemukan secara tidak disengaja di Madagaskar antara tahun 1983 -84 oleh Fr. Henri de Laulanie, SJ, seorang Pastor Jesuit asal Prancis yang lebih dari 30 tahun hidup bersama petani-petani di sana. Oleh penemunya, metododologi ini selanjutnya dalam bahasa Prancis dinamakan Ie Systme de Riziculture Intensive disingkat SRI. Dalam bahasa Inggris populer dengan nama System of Rice Intensification disingkat SRI.
    Tahun 1990 dibentuk Association Tefy Saina (ATS), sebuah LSM Malagasy untuk memperkenalkan SRI. Empat tahun kemudian, Cornell International Institution for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD), mulai bekerja sama dengan Tefy Saina untuk memperkenalkan SRI di sekitar Ranomafana National Park di Madagaskar Timur, didukung oleh US Agency for International Development. SRI  telah diuji di Cina, India, Indonesia, Filipina, Sri Langka, dan Bangladesh dengan hasil yang positif. SRI menjadi terkenal di dunia melalui upaya dari Norman Uphoff (Director CIIFAD). Pada tahun  1987, Uphoff mengadakan presentase SRI di Indonesia yang merupakan kesempatan pertama SRI dilaksanakan di luar Madagaskar Hasil metode SRI sangat memuaskan. Di Madagaskar, pada beberapa tanah tak subur yang produksi normalnya 2 ton/ha, petani yang menggunakan SRI memperoleh hasil panen lebih dari 8 ton/ha,    beberapa petani memperoleh 10 – 15 ton/ha, bahkan ada yang mencapai 20 ton/ha. Metode SRI minimal menghasilkan panen dua kali lipat dibandingkan metode yang biasa dipakai petani. Hanya saja diperlukan pikiran yang terbuka untuk menerima metode baru dan kemauan untuk bereksperimen. Dalam SRI tanaman diperlakukan sebagai organisme hidup sebagaimana mestinya, bukan  diperlakukan seperti mesin yang dapat dimanipulasi. Semua unsur potensi dalam tanaman padi  dikembangkan dengan cara memberikan kondisi yang sesuai dengan pertumbuhannya.  

Prinsip-prinsip budidaya padi organik metode SRI

    1. Tanaman bibit muda berusia kurang dari 12 hari setelah semai (hss) ketika bibit masih
        berdaun 2 helai
    2. Bibit ditanam satu pohon perlubang dengan jarak 30 x 30, 35 x 35 atau lebih jarang
    3. Pindah tanam harus sesegera mungkin (kurang dari 30 menit) dan harus hati-hati agar akar
        tidak putus dan ditanam dangkal
   4. Pemberian air maksimal 2 cm (macak-macak) dan periode tertentu dikeringkan sampai pecah   (Irigasi berselang/terputus)
    5. Penyiangan sejak awal sekitar 10 hari dan diulang 2-3 kali dengan interval 10 hari
    6. Sedapat mungkin menggunakan pupuk organik (kompos atau pupuk hijau)

Keunggulan metode SRI

  1. Tanaman hemat air, Selama pertumbuhan dari mulai tanam sampai panen memberikan airmax 2 cm, paling baik macak-macak sekitar 5 mm dan ada periode pengeringan sampai  tanah         retak ( Irigasi terputus)
  2. Hemat biaya, hanya butuh benih 5 kg/ha. Tidak memerlukan biaya pencabutan bibit, tidak       memerlukan biaya pindah bibit, tenaga tanam kurang dll.
     3.    Hemat waktu, ditanam bibit muda 5 - 12 hss, dan waktu panen akan lebih awal
     4.    Produksi meningkat, di beberapa tempat mencapai 11 ton/ha
 5.    Ramah lingkungan, tidak menggunaan bahan kimia dan digantikan dengan mempergunakan     pupuk     organik (kompos, kandang dan Mikro-oragisme Lokal), begitu juga penggunaan       pestisida.

Teknik Budidaya Padi Organik metode SRI

    1. Persiapan benih
        Benih sebelum disemai diuji dalam larutan air garam. Larutan air garam yang cukup untuk
        menguji benih adalah larutan yang apabila dimasukkan telur, maka telur akan terapung.
        Benih yang baik untuk dijadikan benih adalah benih yang tenggelam dalam larutan tersebut.
        Kemudian benih telah diuji direndam dalam air biasa selama 24 jam kemudian ditiriskan
        dan diperam 2 hari, kemudian disemaikan pada media tanah dan pupuk organik (1:1) di
        dalam wadah segi empat ukuran 20 x 20 cm (pipiti). Selama 7 hari. Setelah umur 7-10 hari
        benih padi sudah siap ditanam

    2. Pengolahan tanah
        Pengolahan tanah Untuk Tanam padi metode SRI tidak berbeda dengan cara pengolahan
        tanah untuk tanam padi cara konvesional yaitu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan struktur tanah
        yang lebih baik bagi tanaman, terhidar dari gulma. Pengolahan dilakukan dua minggu
        sebelum tanam dengan menggunakan traktor tangan, sampai terbentuk struktur lumpur.
        Permukaan tanah diratakan untuk mempermudah mengontrol dan mengendalikan air.

   3. Perlakuan pemupukan
       Pemberian pupuk pada SRI diarahkan kepada perbaikan kesehatan tanah dan penambahan
       unsur hara yang berkurang setelah dilakukan pemanenan. Kebutuhan pupuk organik pertama
       setelah menggunakan sistem konvensional adalah 10 ton per hektar dan dapat diberikan
       sampai 2 musim taman. Setelah kelihatan kondisi tanah membaik maka pupuk organik bisa
       berkurang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Pemberian pupuk organik dilakukan pada tahap
       pengolahan tanah kedua agar pupuk bisa menyatu dengan tanah.

  4.  Pemeliharaan
       Sistem tanam metode SRI tidak membutuhkan genangan air yang terus menerus, cukup
       dengan kondisi tanah yang basah. Penggenangan dilakukan hanya untuk mempermudah
       pemeliharan. Pada prakteknya pengelolaan air pada sistem padi organik dapat dilakukan
       sebagai berikut; pada umur 1-10 HST tanaman padi digenangi dengan ketinggian air ratarata
      1cm, kemudian pada umur 10 hari dilakukan penyiangan. Setelah dilakukan penyiangan
       tanaman tidak digenangi. Untuk perlakuan yang masih membutuhkan penyiangan
       berikutnya, maka dua hari menjelang penyiangan tanaman digenang. Pada saat tanaman
       berbunga, tanaman digenang dan setelah padi matang susu tanaman tidak digenangi kembali
       sampai panen.
       Untuk mencegah hama dan penyakit pada SRI tidak digunakan bahan kimia, tetapi
       dilakukan pencengahan dan apabila terjadi gangguan hama/penyakit digunakan pestisida
       nabati dan atau digunakan pengendalian secara fisik dan mekanik

Hasil panen pada metode SRI pada musim pertama tidak jauh berbeda dengan hasil sebelumnya
(metode konvensional) dan terus meningkat pada musim berikutnya sejalan dengan meningkatnya bahan organik dan kesehatan tanah. Beras organik yang dihasilkan dari sistem tanam di musim pertama memiliki harga yang sama dengan beras dari sistem tanam konvesional, harga ini didasarkan atas dugaan bahwa beras tersebut belum tergolong organik, karena pada lahan tersebut masih ada pupuk kimia yang tersisa dari musim tanam sebelumnya. Dan untuk musim berikutnya dengan menggunakan metode SRI secara berturut-turut, maka sampai musim ke 3 akan diperoleh beras organik dan akan memiki harga yang lebih tinggi dari beras padi dari sistem konvensional.

Manfaat Sistem SRI

   Secara umum manfaat dari budidaya metode SRI adalah sebagai berikut
1.      Hemat air (tidak digenang), Kebutuhan air hanya 20-30% dari kebutuhan air untuk cara
2.      memulihkan kesehatan dan kesuburan tanah, serta mewujudkan keseimbangan ekologi tanah
   3. Membentuk petani mandiri yang mampu meneliti dan menjadi ahli di lahannya sendiri. Tidak tergantung pada pupuk dan pertisida kimia buatan pabrik yang semakin mahal dan terkadang  langka
     4. membuka lapangan kerja dipedesaan, mengurangi pengangguran dan meningkatkan
         pendapatan keluarga petani
     5. menghasilkan produksi beras yang sehat rendemen tinggi, serta tidak mengandung residu
     6. mewariskan tanah yang sehat untuk generasi mendatang

     Metode SRI menguntungkan untuk petani, karena produksi meningkat sampai 10 ton/ha, selain itu     karena tidak mempergunakan pupuk dan pestisida kimia, tanah menjadi gembur, mikroorganisme     tanah meningkat jadi ramah lingkungan.
     Untuk mempercepat penyebaran metode SRI perlu dukungan dengan kebijakan pemerintah pusat     maupun daerah
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Friday, October 18, 2013

KIND MOL: tape1. MOL TAPE mol tape

A. MAKING MOL (MICRO ORGANISM LOCAL) TAPE 1. Put 1 ounce Tape earlier into 1.5 liter mineral bottles. 2. Fill with water until almost full (not too full). 3. Enter the 5 tablespoons of sugar into a bottle that has been filled tape and earlier water 4. Whisk for a minute so the sugar dissolves. 5. Leave the bottle open not closed for 4-5 days until fragrant smelling of alcohol, it means that MOL has can be used. B. MOL MAKING RICE 1. Rice (new or stale) formed by ball Pimpong round of 4 pieces 2. Let stand for 3 days until it comes out yellow mushroom, orange, and gray. 3. Moldy rice balls, and then inserted into an empty bottle. 4. Pour a bucket of water that has been mixed with as much as 4 tablespoons sugar into bottles containing rice casserole 5. Leave the bottle open not closed let stand for 1 week (a mixture of rice and the sugar water will smell like sour tape) MOL MOL Peuyeum fermented OR MORE CLEAN By: Sobirin Many have asked how to create a Local Micro Organisms (LMO). After being briefed material from rotting kitchen waste or other material that moldy, most recoil in disgust, smell. Here I made a relatively clean MOL, from fermented or peuyeum. MOL is a collection of micro-organisms that could be "farmed", its function in the concept of "zero waste" is for "starter" organic composting. With MOL is the concept of composting can be completed within 3 weeks. In this blog some time ago I have described have many ways to make a free MOL, namely the materials are easily decomposed kitchen waste, vegetable yesterday were stale. It could also be from other materials such as snails pounded rice, pineapple fruit rot. Just choose the most readily available materials around us. Once the material is selected from any of the above, then put in a plastic drum, and given water, sinks to the material. After 4 or 5 days the MOL can be used. In addition to the "starter" compost, MOL can also be used to "liquid fertilizer" by way of advance diluted, 1 part of MOL mixed 15 parts water. Pour on the soil around the plant. Do not kick the stem of the plant. For "orchid"? Because of this orchid grows in ferns and roots protruding, I do not recommend this MOL with liquid fertilizer. Later in the meal pakisnya MOL and the resulting heat can be deadly orchids. So it's good for the plants that grow in any soil, and the soil is watered watered MOL. Back to MOL or MOL peuyeum fermented, I call the cleaner, because the material is too clean, and no impression disgusting. Can be fermented cassava or glutinous peuyeum, select the most easily obtainable. First, prepare the plastic bottle bottled water large size (1,500 milliliters). Enough of the empty bottle, not need to cover. Second, buy fermented or peuyeum, just a little, because quickness is also only 1 ounce, and enter in the bottle. Third, fill the water in a bottle that had contained peuyeum fermented or earlier. Do not need a full, pretty nearly full. Fourth, put sugar into a bottle that has been filled and water fermented or peyeum earlier. Can granulated sugar or brown sugar, 5 tablespoons. Fifth, shake briefly so that the sugar dissolves. Sixth, let the bottles open not closed for 4 or 5 days. Furthermore, the bottle is not closed forever, let MOL her to breathe. Seventh, after 5 days, and if a kiss will smell fragrant alcohol, the MOL could have used. Eighth, if you want to "raise" MOL, so take that kind of empty bottles, then divide MOL from one bottle to the second bottle. Half-half. Then Fill water into the bottles was almost full, and then masukanlah sugar to each bottle with a dose as above. So we got 2 bottles of MOL. If you want to reproduce again into bottles, do the same way. MOL fermented good enough to accelerate composting, can also be used for liquid fertilizer. I tried again adding pineapple that has been finely blended into a fermented MOL, also added sugar. The color is a yellowish, fragrant aroma between fermented and pineapple, and keep it clean. Upon completion MOL peuyeum I make, I try to composting starter. It turns out this good peuyeum MOL, quick to react as compost starter. Compost material that was green and brown, the day was blackened and warmed MOL GREEN IS A LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER (POC) By: Sobirin Make liquid organic fertilizer (POC) has been my long aspired. Materials around us. Shoots of fresh green leaves, cow dung, coconut milk, sugar, and the land of the living, all that easy to get. The leaves cut into small pieces. All incoming vat, added water, finished. First, prepare a medium sized plastic bins, approximately 50 liters in volume. Wash thoroughly so that the remains of missing chemicals or detergent, then dried in the sun to dry cask. Second, prepare materials that shoots anything that is green. I use papaya leaves, tomato leaf, tea leaf-tehan, kiambang existing leaf in the rice fields, water hyacinth, and the like. Choose leaves that exist around us. Number of approximately 1 kg, or about 1 large plastic plastic bags. Third, prepare a cow or goat manure or chicken manure, as much as about 1 kg. Granulated sugar 1/2 kg. Gerlas 2 cups coconut water drink. Fourth, prepare soil life, soil ditch as much as 1/2 kg. Strive to ditch this land no detergent or soap water borne sewer flows. In soil is expected to ditch a lot of micro organisms that live. Fifth, after the fresh green leaves cut into small pieces, then together with other materials that have been prepared, all included in a plastic barrel. Sixth, mix as much as 40 liters of water. Stir until smooth, then covered with a lid cans with holes so that no air circulation. Seventh, stirring every day, after 5 days of liquid fertilizer can be used. This liquid fertilizer is also MOL local or micro organisms. The color green, dense, then to simply call it green MOL. It smells a little sting. How to use it, take as many cans of green MOL 1 small can of milk. Enter in a plastic bucket and mix with water as many as 15 small milk cans. Stir until smooth, then pour on the media plants in pots or in the garden of our home. MOL to flush the plant is not every day, but 3 days. Pour in media land, not on the plant stem. I poured this green MOL on roselle plant tomatoes, rice bucket. The results are satisfactory. Good luck, hopefully successfully, and make compost so that we do not throw trash out of the house. 2. MOL FRUIT Stimulant-fertilization TANAMANbuah 2anmol fruit Fruit used can also vary just select who you like and are available around us such as papaya, mango, jackfruit, pineapple, bananas and tomatoes. Mol excess fruit is having a fragrant aroma like the original fruit. Ingredient in the manufacture of fruit MOL:

2 kg of waste fruits like jackfruit, banana, mango, papaya, pineapple, tomato
2 ounces of brown sugar
2 liters of coconut water
How to make Mol Fruit:

Small pieces of fruit are available
Enter the brown sugar that has been combed
Combine the coconut milk
Enter in cans and seal tightly
Let ferment for 15 days
How to use:

For fertilizer mix 150 ml to 15 liters of water (1 tank 15-17 liters), spray ketanaman who have entered the generative or plants that start flowering
For composting mix 1 part Mol fruit with 5 parts water and add the brown sugar and spray onto the organic material to be fermented.
Mol thus making way for the benefits of fruit and plants, hope maspary hopefully we can use in our agricultural activities. Source: the farm gate. Other sources.: CPA (note natural farmer) How to make fruit nutrients is quite easy. As much as one liter of juice plus as much brown sugar 3 tablespoons. The mixture is then sealed, and aged or fermented to wait up to a week. Then the moment will be sprayed on plants, liquid is added to fermented chicken egg yolk. Application is not a lot of nutrients. Quite as much as 200cc to 15 liters of water nutrients. Why is 15 liters? Because I use the spray tank size of 15 liters. This is to facilitate comparison of current tenants will squirt of fruit nutrients using the spray tank. Nutrient solution is sprayed onto the leaves and the soil around the plants will bear fruit when. The result, in the last harvest, each one quintal of paddy produce 80 kg of rice. That's why a lot of farmers around me who are interested in making nutritional fruit. Because the results are better than using synthetic stimulants that are expensive pieces. MAKE MOL bamboo shoots BAMBUrebung Agriculture greetings!! See you soon with Gate Farm. After yesterday we discuss about the main ingredient of making MOL, now maspary will be posting about how to create and benefit MOL bamboo shoots. As we know that his name is usually bamboo will thrive anywhere, including areas that barren ground though. And more powerful, bamboo plants will transform once barren land into fertile. Therefore the lands around the roots of bamboo used for breeding media. Not only that, bamboo is also able to grow so fast even without fertilizer at all. Therefore we will try to take advantage of young bamboo plants (bamboo shoots) to make our MOL. According to some information obtained maspary, MOL has bamboo shoots and giberellin organic C content is high so as to stimulate rapid plant growth. Besides bamboo shoots MOL also contains microorganisms which are very important to help grow the Azotobacter and Azospirillium. When viewed from the womb MOL bamboo shoots can be used as growth stimulants rice during the vegetative phase (young plants) age less than 35 HST. Additionally MOL bamboo shoots are also very nice to use for composting. How to Make Bamboo shoots MOL Ingredients:

1 kg of bamboo shoots
Rice water 2.5 to 3 liters
1 whole fruit maja
Brown sugar 1-2 ounces How to make:

Bamboo shoots thinly sliced ​​or ground may also
Enter bamboo shoots that have been mashed into a jerry can
Enter a pulp magazine which has been refined
Enter the brown sugar
Enter rice water
The jerry cans tightly closed, and shake until well blended
Open the lid briefly cans every morning in order to get out of gas in jerry cans.
Ready for use after 15 days
How to use:

For composting, mix a solution of water and the mole ratio of 1: 5 (1 liter MOL mixed with 5 liters of clean water). Flush or spray the material into compost / manure to be composted.
For fertilizing plants, mix 1 part MOL bamboo shoots with 15 parts water. Spray or pour in tanaman.mol bamboo shoots
Hopefully a bit of information on the Farm Gate can be useful for Indonesian farmers. Yes, you can use fertilizer to save it. Nothing wrong if we try and we develop to his fellow farmers to increase the independence of the petrani.
MOL TANAMANmol fertilizing vegetable VEGETABLE Regards Farmer!! Good morning farmers Indonsia!! Still the spirit of it? Thankfully ............ Previous maspary apologize for getting a little old do not have time to write articles on the Gate Farm, yah usual cause is due to a variety of busy work and family. SMS even from fellow farmers who ask only problem often can not be reciprocated all because of so many problems and complexity of Indonesian farmers. Maspary once again apologize. This morning maspary will write about how to make vegetable MOL, which may have had a lot of science carried out by colleagues Gate Farm. Excess of MOL vegetables are abundant availability of materials around us, especially the remnants of cooking housewives. Benefits of MOL vegetables is as degrading microorganisms (composters) and fertilizer plants so it is appropriate in the current application vase vegetative to the generative life ahead of pre-planting, 10, 20, 30 and 40 dap. With a concentration of 5-10 ml per liter of water is usually sufficient to nourish plants. If for composting need greater concentration, usually about 100-200 ml per liter of water and also still need to add sugar about 2% of the volume of water. In MOL vegetables contain cytokinins, carbohydrates, Pseudomonas, Aspergillus and Lactobacillus. Materials needed to make vegetable MOL:

10 kg of forage waste vegetable (lettuce, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, kale, caisim etc.)
Salt 5% of the weight of material
10 liters of rice water
Brown sugar / brown sugar 2% of the fluid obtained after 3 weeks
How to make vegetable MOL:

Materials cut vegetables into small / thin
Enter in a bucket / drum, each 5 cm thickness sprinkled with salt to taste.
Add rice water up to 10 liters
Close the drum / pail with plastic and tie with raffia or rubber
Pour water over the plastic container that can be tightly closed.
After 3-4 weeks of bucket / drum was opened, and the fluid obtained is taken (usually brownish yellow or appropriate vegetable material).
Add palm sugar / brown sugar as much as 2% of the liquid. If the liquid is 20 liters means it took 4 ounces of sugar.
It's easy is not it, good luck and hopefully we can improve the independence of Indonesian farmers. MOL PESTICIDES AS A VEGETABLE LEAF GAMAL Regards Farmer!! Of a series of various MOL that we discussed earlier have diverse functions in accordance with the material it contains. Indeed colleagues Gate Farm have to make more than one kind of MOL for savings on their farm. In its application also does not have a wide satau alone but sebaikknya combined MOL MOL range so they can save on labor costs. Mol as fertilizer plants and decomposers have maspary write various types, from snails Mol, Mol bamboo shoots, banana etc. hump Mol. Now maspary will discuss Mol gamal as pesticide plant leaves. Said to be a pesticide plant because the leaves can serve as a controller gamal pest caterpillars and sucking pests (fleas), as acaricides (mite control) and as a fungicide. According to some references that maspary read, in Mol Gliricidia leaves contain tannins that can be used as a variety of insect venom. Aside from being a pesticide plant leaves Mol gamal also used as fertilizer for plants in the gamal leaves Mol was also an element of N. Ingredient in the manufacture of leaf Mol gamal:

2 kg of leaves gamal
400 grams of brown sugar
4 liters of water rice
How to make a leaf mol gamal:

Gliricidia leaves cut into pieces and pounded to pieces
Enter in jerry cans
Enter a previously sugar finely sliced
Put water in jerry rice
Shake so evenly mixed
Fermented for at least 21 days
How to use leaf Mol gamal:

As fertilizers and pesticides leaf vegetable mix 1-4 mol liter spray tank leaves gamal in 14-17 liters of water.
Spray evenly to the plants in the morning or evening.
Mol gamal leaves can be used as an initial step the prevention and control of pests and diseases in plants us, but if they happen to pests and disease control sebaikknya do another soon. Mol Gliricidia leaves can also be combined with other botanical pesticides such as chinaberry leaves, tobacco, soursop seeds, roots etc. tuba. MAKE AND BENEFITS MOL CONCH MASkeong mas Regards Farmer!! Who is not familiar with snails? This group of animals was soft-bodied mollusks and running very slowly, but it can be very detrimental to farmers. Because snails are very fond of rice seeds that are still ripe. Therefore maspary in Gate of Agriculture will discuss how to process fewer snails as pests that could become organic fertilizers and biological fertilizers. Why maspary interested snails? we know that consuming hobby keongmas young rice plants are in fact many containing auxin. Therefore if you made sure maspary MOL will also contain auxin as well. In addition, if we use snails as MOL or other purposes (duck food) as well as definitely will control the pest snails. MOL material snails:

1 kg of snails were still alive / fresh
Half maja fruit, if no can use brown sugar 2 ounces.
2 liters of coconut water
How to Make a snail MOL Mas:

Keongmas pounded until smooth and then enter in jeligen
Enter maja fruit / sugar which has been refined
Put 2 liters of coconut water.
Shake to mix
Open the lid briefly each morning jeligennya
Ready for use after 15 days
How to use MOL snails:

For composting, mix 1 bgian MOL snails with 5 liters of fresh water and add 1 ounce of brown sugar. Pour the organic material to be composted.
Mix 1 liter MOL snails in the spray tank 1. Spray the entire plant and anah around plant roots. Do not forget nyemprotnya morning or late afternoon.
To further nourish plants, snails MOL also be mixed with bamboo shoots maspary MOL wrote yesterday or MOL-MOL others.
Benefits and snails MOL content:

MOL snails when applied to horticultural crops (beans, tomatoes, peppers, etc.) will melebatkan and enlarge its fruit.
According to information obtained maspary, allegedly contains MOL snails are proteins, Azotobacter, azospirillium, microbial phosphate solvent, staphylococcus, pseudomonas, auxin and enzymes.
Indonesian farmers may be wise to take advantage of the natural surroundings to improve cultivation. MAIN INGREDIENTS MAKING 3 MOL Agriculture greetings!! See you soon with Gate Farm. We have seen that the role of microorganisms is very important for plants. Especially useful to help the health and absorption of nutrients in the soil. Fertilization of the plants that the farmers who are gradually becoming more prove that the land is less responsive to the addition of fertilizer. Such land was caused by a lack of organic matter and soil microorganisms as cooks. To find and develop microorganisms actually not difficult, because the microorganisms actually been there and very much the number and kinds around us. We call them the local microorganisms (MOL). Staying we take them, we develop according to our needs. According maspary To make MOL actually needed only 3 main ingredients:

Carbohydrates. The materials needed bacteria / microorganisms as an energy source. To provide carbohydrates for microorganisms can be obtained from rice water, rice used / stale rice, cassava, potatoes, wheat, bran / rice bran etc.
Glucose. This material also as an energy source for microorganisms that are spontaneous (easier to eat them). Glucose can be obtained from granulated sugar, brown sugar, molasses, water, sugar, coconut milk, water, juice etc
Sources of bacteria (microorganisms local). Material which contains many microorganisms that are beneficial to plants such as rotten fruit, rotten vegetables, snails, rice, bamboo shoots, banana weevil, rabbit urine, pumpkin leaf, fermented cassava and fruit maja. MOL is usually in not only contain one type of microorganisms but some microorganisms such as Rhizobium sp, Azospirillium sp, Azotobacter sp, Pseudomonas sp, Bacillus sp and bacterial phosphate solvent.
The three materials are mixed live plus water and sealed or commonly called fermented. After 1-3 weeks the material will be issued a sharp odor of alcohol, it was a sign of fermentation process has finished successfully and MOL. If the reverse, as foul sewer odor or smell of dead means should not be repeated because. Failure usually occurs because of lack of closure meeting. For the next few posts, maspary'll review on how to make the sharing of MOL and benefits for plants. Hopefully this article can be useful for all of us, success is always for Indonesian farmers!! Wednesday, January 25, 2012 MAKE MULTI FUNCTION MICROORGANISMS Agriculture greetings!! We often offered to buy organic products that have a variety of functions. Dibrosurnya written to spell out the trash, make bokhasi, fatten livestock, manure etc. deodorize. This time maspary at Gate Farm will share personal experiences about creating a multi function microorganisms. Maspary hope is that the farmers could be totally self-sufficient and able to take advantage of the materials available to the progress of our environment and preserve our earth farmer. Picture one multi-function material for microorganisms Figure fluid containing microorganisms multi function maspary make, color and aroma vary according to the type of fruit (but smells wonderful): Benefits of Multi Function Microorganisms maspary ever tried, among others, to:

First maspary try to make silage. With these microorganisms only took one week in the making silage. In one week Silage already smells good and is ready for use.
Can be used to remove the smell of manure. Maspary tried to give it to the rabbit. And the results were outstanding, maspary pet rabbit in the kitchen now it do not smell anymore.
It could also be for mennyehatkan livestock. Maspary pet rabbit never attacked bloating and diarrhea although I love eating cabbage, caisin, green beans and kale.
It also can be used to fatten cattle, It is based on the fact that maspary get from my rabbit fat and healthy. Why be fat? due to an increased appetite since I love these microorganisms.
Maspary rabbit urine also my capacity with the microorganism fermentation.
I also believe that for making bokhasi / compost or other organic fertilizer ferment also good results.
Several other functions have not maspary try: fertilize crops, fertilize the soil, fertilization stimulates rice or other crops. (Because I believe in the solution also contains nutrients, minerals and amino acids).
Rabbit picture my experiments are obese and healthy thanks to the multi-function microorganisms After colleagues know the benefits of Gate Farms multi microorganisms that function would have been not wait to find out how to make it. But the promise ya! after maspary you know immediately put into practice, so that we can share experiences. Materials microorganisms multi function:

A mixture of different kinds of fruit that has been cooked exp: watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, mango, guava, star fruit etc 1 kg. (Incidentally maspary home selling fruit soup so you can use the remaining fruits unused)
Molasses or brown sugar solution (to make sugar solution: dissolve sugar in hot water with a ratio of 1: 1) 0.5 liter. The use of sugar solution must be after really cold.
Old newspapers / new
Rubber bracelets
Filter cloth (may used or secondhand clothing shirts etc)
How to create a multi-functional micro-organisms:

Cut into small variety of these fruits (approximately 1 cm3)
Enter the fruits in jars
Flush with molasses or brown sugar solution
Close the jar with a piece of newspaper and tied with rubber
After two weeks of strain and wring the cloth
Solution / juice produced ready for various purposes over
How to use multi-function microorganisms:

If you want to use multi-function sebaikknya microorganisms that we dilute terlabih first. Make a solution of sugar or molasses solution with a ratio of sugar / molasses: microorganisms multi function: water = 5: 1: 100
The solution please allow up to 24 hours.
The new solution we use for making silage, mixed / drinks livestock, composting, we spray on the soil and plants as fertilizer, etc..
How to create a multi-functional micro-organisms is indeed easy to do, but have not had time to check yourself maspary content therein. Therefore, do not ask what the microorganisms contained therein or ask haranya element content. Modern farmers by Local Wisdom Have you let the rice (rest) on the table, and the next day you find it to be stale rice? rice You probably also know that fruits and vegetables in the kitchen, while the longer will be allowed to rot. You might also understand how the timber undergo weathering slowly, then mix with the soil. When the soil is mixed with decayed wood was planted, the results will woww!! What makes it rotten and weathered materials? How to speed up the decomposition process into several times its normal condition? One way is to double the number of microorganisms pembusuknya. Local micro-organisms (LMO) Each region will be dominated by microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) are different. Types (species) is dominant is strongly influenced by climate (temperature change, the degree of humidity), the character of the bacteria and the proliferation of media in that location. Because of differences in the environment that's appropriate dominance, micro-organisms are called locally. In other words, specific microorganisms according berbembangbiaknya location. Micro-organisms that are not visible to the naked eye, have a big role to life especially in agriculture. No doubt, the land has abundant organic matter, mikroorganismenya also be abundant. Interesting question is, can the bacteria or fungi that dikembangkbiakkan or bred? How mengembangbiakkannya? After breeding, for what? Simple agricultural technologies have answered it to restore, even fertilize the soil. And now, the products have appeared Organic Liquid Fertilizer (POC) with a variety of brands, a variety of companies, as well as a variety of marketing models. Target farmers as agricultural products, should be wise and smart before buying. Farmers need to be equipped with basic knowledge on this subject. Around us, a lot of material that could be used for the manufacture of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC). Why should I buy from companies that sell at high prices because the cost of production and marketing is already high, with a price range of $ 40,000, - up to Rp. 170.000, - per liter? And with prices as much as it is, farmers can make their own 40 sd 170 liters of liquid fertilizer (assuming the price of brown sugar Rp 10.000, - per kg is mixed with 10 liters of water) by utilizing other materials around it, no need to buy. Yes, it is simple to make POC media is brown sugar as mentioned above, can also molasses, agar-agar and other materials with other high glucose content. Brown sugar is high berglukosa it will serve as the building blocks of the body so mokroorganisme breed. Bacterial proliferation occurs through division / separation (eg from 1 to 2, then 4, then 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 etc.) per period, usually per 15 minutes. POC-making process, generally only in the period of 15 days and not complicated. Cleavage of bacterial counts per 15 minutes on, how much of a bacterium grown for 15 days? Therefore, do not be surprised if in packaging products Liquid Organic Fertilizer mentioned millions and even trillions of bacteria in it. Here is a general framework that can be used as a reference. The things that can be traced through a more specific search engines, by typing the word 'local micro-organisms'. Hopefully, by knowing the general framework of local microorganisms breeding, farmers do not vacillate in the new products that are increasing in number. The concept generally are as follows, adapted to the needs to be made: 1. Prepare brown sugar and water (1 kg brown sugar, for 10 liters of water). Clean water can be replaced with coconut water, if any. Coconut water has a degree of acidity (pH) with a neutral electrolyte and mineral content is quite varied, both for breeding bacteria. Destroy the brown sugar, then dissolve it in water. 2. Prepare organic materials around us. For example, rice is inedible feast and cooking oil has not been mixed. Other ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, leaves can also be used. Selection of organic matter content, with the aim of utilizing the material as a medium to be overhauled and media proliferate. Estimate of organic matter is between 2.5 to 5 kg, or adjust to the container. Put the ingredients into the sugar solution in point 1 above. 3. Prepare bacterial sources as much as 1 kg (weathered wood, snails or snails that have been chopped, chicken-gut contents of fish-cow-goat etc, cow-goat urine etc, cow dung). Put it in a solution of brown sugar. The sources of these bacteria called starter media contains bacteria to multiply. 4. Close third above mixture with plastic or other cover. Open the lid briefly each morning to remove the gas. The gas formed is a sign that the reform process mixture of materials is underway by bacteria. When it does not happen until a week signs of gas formation (container not inflated), just change the ingredients. 5. Leave for 15 days or until completed form layers of white flour like powder on the surface of the sugar solution. Filter to separate sugar solution with a coarse mixture. Bred bacteria that exist in the sugar solution. 6. 5 When the point has been met, then it is ready to apply. Combine 150 ml POC s.d 70 to 15 liters of water. Pour or spray it into the ground. Repeat every 15 days. There are many benefits of breeding MOL through making this POC. When POC is applied to the soil, the more bacteria remodel residue (residual) which can not be decomposed manure in the soil but can not be absorbed by plants. Also, the more rapid the decomposition of raw organic matter is readily absorbed by plants. Finally, the increasingly fertile ground for granting the POC, will fertilize the plant and its production also increased. In the home, the women and young girls who love houseplants can also take advantage of this simple technology, to fertilize the plants hiasnya. Pour this POC homemade after adding water as in point 6. You may not farmers, there is no harm in sharing it to neighbors, friends, sisters who are farmers. We know, 60% of poor people live in the village, worked as a farmer with a slow adoption of information technology. Thus, intentionally written to try a much simpler explanation of the scientific language dizzying. Remember that the word FARMER was initiated by President Sukarno at the time, is an acronym of the Indonesian State Supreme Pole. HOW TO MAKE A MOL (MICRO ORGANISM LOCAL) Greetings agriculture. The government has realized that the side effects of the use of chemical fertilizers has made our broken land. GO ORGANIC then be made to the program in 2010. One way is with a biological soil improvement PGPR application and MOL (local micro organisms), how to make it? MATERIALS:

200 grams of sugar
100 grams of frustration
200 grams cob / banding
2 kg of rice bran / rice bran
2 kg Kohe (animal manure, that the best use of rumen
2 liters of rice water
20 liters of clean water

20 liter jerry can

Boil all ingredients except Kohe and clean water
Once cool put all ingredients into the cans
Cover tightly
Every day it opened briefly and whipped-cream
After 15 days MOL ready to use

Before use, MOL filtered first.
Use to spray the soil and plants with a concentration of 1 liter / tank.
Spraying is done every 15 days starting before planting.
With regular application of MOL, Isha Allah will help us in the land of biological repair business. Hopefully this article can give a bit of information to farmers and extension workers. WHAT GREATNESS MOL Banana weevil? Hump linings Agriculture greetings!! Hello how are you Idonesia Farmers? Hopefully always healthy and always spirit. Still continuing yesterday's topic about MOL (local microorganisms) this time in the gate of Agriculture will maspary menginfokan about MOL banana weevil. Although the banana weevil seems very trivial but actually that could be exploited incredible. MOL Bisang hump is actually a reques maspary of several colleagues who want to know more about the MOL. Actually that could be made mole is not only just but batangnyapun banana weevil can be used for MOL, MOL banana stems but if the benefits are not as good as the banana weevil. Within moles banana stem contains more nutrients P or phosphate that is widely used as a plant nutrient supplement. If so what is the content of the banana weevil maspary MOL? According to some literature that maspary read in MOL banana weevil containing an organizing Grow giberellin and Cytokines. Also in the banana weevil mol 7 also contains microorganisms that are useful for plants, namely: Azospirillium, Azotobacter, Bacillus, Aeromonas, Aspergillus, microbes and microbial selulotik phosphate solvent. Not only is it the banana weevil MOL also still be used to speed up the composting process or decomposers. Great is not it? Materials for banana weevil MOL:

1 kg of banana weevil
2 ounces of brown sugar
2 liters of water rice.
How to make banana weevil MOL:

Banana weevil cut into small pieces and then crushed-crushed
Iris - iris brown sugar and enter the rice water and stir until dissolved
Combine rice water existing sugar into the banana weevil.
Enter in cans and seal tightly, every 2 days or if the bulging lid open.
Of experience maspary after 15 days usually ready for use.
Once again maspary invite colleagues Indonesian Farmers to always use the materials that exist around our environment. Especially for colleagues who want to save Gate Farm farming business, or colleagues maspary that "sorry" does not have a lot of money for farming. Try if we practice and we apply the MOL recipes maspary give it some time ago, would have greatly reduced the cost of our efforts. At least can reduce the cost of purchasing chemical fertilizer and organic manure (POC). Hopefully a simple recipe of the banana weevil MOL could be useful for Indonesian Farmers Success always make Indonesian Farmers! Ask permission for publication and practiced maspary
The main ingredient MOL consists 3 components: 1. Karbohdrat: Water washing rice, a former rice, cassava, potatoes, and the like 2. Glucose: sugar water, coconut water, and the like 3. Bacterial sources: fruits, urine, dung, and the like The main ingredient in MOL consists of three types of components:

Carbohydrates: rice water (starch), former rice (casserole), cassava, potatoes, wheat.
The most commonly used is the starch water.

Glucose: of brown sugar diluted with water, liquid sugar, sugar cubes melted, the water
sugar and coconut milk.

Bacterial source: snails, fruit skins such as tomatoes, papaya, and so on, water
pee or anything that contains the source of bacteria. MOL and application examples: 1. MOL fruits to help panicle rice so it contains 2. MOL cebreng leaf to leaf fertilizer plant 3. MOL for decomposing banana weevil when composting 4. MOL vegetables to stimulate the growth of rice panicle 5. MOL bamboo shoots to stimulate plant growth 6. MOL kitchen waste to improve the structure of the physical, biological, and chemical soil 7. MOL protein for extra nutrients in plants 8. MOL neem and sarawung to prevent plant diseases
LOCAL MICRO ORGANISM (MOL) kedoya LEAF AND bamboo shoots

In an effort utilization of organic fertilizer is to use Local Micro Organisms (LMO). Local micro-organism (LMO) to use materials that exist around such as rotten fruit, a former rice, snails, bamboo (bamboo shoots), banana stem, banana weevil even bamboo roots and leaves as the leaves contain many elements Kedoya N, P and K. Gaudichaudianum Dysoxylum leaf is an ingredient that is used by farmers in the rice nursery, before sowing rice sprinkled with leaves that have been ground or crushed and the results will be very fertile seedbed. Characteristic of this plant is a woody tissue has skin piercing and nauseating smell that can cause nausea so can people vomiting. Therefore Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum in Lombok called Ketai leaves. These plants usually grow around the moat and a tree and plant height can reach 25-45 feet. In Jakarta called Kedoya tree. Kedoya is the name of the plant of the tribe-dukuan Duku (Meliaceae). Gaudichaudianum KedoyaDysoxylum plants suspected to contain a fairly high nitrogen Bamboo shoots are a lot of young bamboo tunbuh around rice fields, river or garden. Bamboo shoots is a plant that is suspected to have a fairly high nitrogen kendungan. Given these conditions, Kedoya leaves and shoots can be used as MOL and has been tried by the farmers and the results can reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizer. A. Material and Method of Making. 1. Materials and tools

Kedoya leaves: 5-7 stalk
Bamboo shoots: 2 kg
Brown sugar: 500 gr
Rice water: 4 liters
Buckets, 5 liter jerry cans, small hoses and bottles of bottled water.
2. How to make

a. Kedoya leaves removed from the stem and then ground
b. Bamboo shoots cut into pieces and then ground, but for a more effective material mendapakan it should be shredded bamboo shoots.
c. Brown sugar cut according to size cans.
d. All material has been prepared and then inserted into jerry cans and pour the rice water.
e. Close jerry cans connected by hose into the bottle and are fermented for about 2 weeks (15 days). Kemudaian filtered.
f. After 15 days it is ready to be applied.
B. Application Method 1. For rice MOL distillate taken 2 cup sizes bottled water and put into a hand sprayer tank size of 14 liters, then sprayed on rice plants. Requirement per ha approximately 10 hand sprayer tank. 2. For vegetable crops MOL distillate taken 1 glass of bottled water packaging size and inserted into a hand sprayer tank size of 14 liters, then sprayed on crops of vegetables. The results of the experiments by farmers, if the result exceeds the strain MOL used 1 cup of the vegetable plants will burn. This membuktiakan that the content of fertilizer is high enough (Ir.Tatok Sulistiyanto / Coordinator BP3K district. Sandubaya). MOL Local Micro Organisms Isroi. The term stands for Micro-Organisms MOL or Local already widely known. MOL easy to make and easy to apply. Da way MOL development methods also vary. However, sometimes a recipe MOL successfully applied in some places, is often less successful elsewhere. Nevertheless MOL creation is one way to create independent farmers. Yan like I already mentioned, there are many ways of making MOL. I will pass gradually / separate the weave. Please you try it yourself and see for yourself usefulness. mol rice MOL is making me get from farmers in Berastagi, Medan. There is quite a fertile agricultural area. And they were hereditary MOL has made their own way. MOL is making their way to do is as follows. 1. Rice rest buried in the soil. 2. After a few days, rice was taken again, 3. The rice was diluted with water and used to mengkomposkan organic ingredients. Organic material that has been mixed with rice was then buried for a few days until it is destroyed and creamed like soil. The finished compost can be directly used to fertilize crops...
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